CobraNet Network Design Support

If you’re new to the world of networking, the resources provided on general networking and CobraNet terminology will get you started. You can also refer to the Ethernet Overview document and the Ethernet and Network Links section to get a better feel for the infrastructure and general principles of Ethernet.

After that, be sure to review the switched vs. repeater network section. Although we highly recommend the use of switches in all cases, this page will tell you if the use of repeater hubs would be an acceptable alternate for your network design.

If you’re already familiar with general networking principals, feel free to dive right in and start looking at some typical CobraNet network designs.

The switched network section begins with some general information about CobraNet on switched networks. Switched networks offer some very useful benefits over repeater-based networks, and these benefits are discussed and illustrated. The network examples section is similarly presented, but all designs here utilize switches in lieu of hubs. Also, be sure to read through the compliancy section following the examples.

The repeater network section shows CobraNet networks designed using repeater hubs. It begins with some very basic point-to-point designs and leads into more complex design examples which contain multiple audio source and destination locations. Following the examples are some guidelines for using CobraNet on repeater networks. These are very informative, and provide a “checklist” to test your repeater network designs for CobraNet compliancy.

Other resources and tips for CobraNet network design:

  • Visit our CobraNet Networking forum on A collection of individual forums to dicuss “all things” CobraNet with our growing community of manufactures who license CobraNet.

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